Creation of Sacred Spaces

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Hierotopy.  Creation  of  Sacred  Spaces in  Byzantium  and  Medieval  Russia. Edited by A. Lidov. Published by “Progress-tradition” in Moscow, 2006                    title page

Alexei Lidov. Hierotopy. The creation of sacred space as a form of creativity and subject of cultural history         Russian version

Nicoletta Isar. Chorography (Chôra, Chorós) — a performative paradigm of creation of sacred space in Byzantium

Mikhail V. Bibikov.  Byzantine Eden: “time-in-space”   (Rus/Eng)

Robert Ousterhout. Sacred Geographies and Holy Cities:  Constantinople as Jerusalem

Peter Brown. Chrotope: Theodore of Sykeon and His Sacred Landscape

Nikolas Bakirtzis. The Creation of an Hierotopos in Byzantium: Ascetic Practice and its Topography on Mt. Menoikeion

Svetlana Popović. The Byzantine Monastery: its Spatial Iconography and the Question of Sacredness

Nikita Gaidukov.  The Sacred Space and Liturgical Arrangements of the Pre-iconoclast Cave-Churches in south-west Crimea

Slobodan Curcić. Cave and Church. An Eastern Christian hierotopical synthesis

Evangelia Hadjitryphonos.  ‘Divinity’ and ‘World’. Two spatial realms in the Byzantine church

Ida Sinkević. Formation of sacred space in Later Byzantine five-domed churches: a Hierotopic Approach

Yannis D. Varalis. Prothesis and Diakonikon: Searching the Original Concept of the Subsidiary Spaces of the Byzantine Sanctuary

Francesca Dell’Acqua. Glass and Natural Light in the Shaping of Sacred Space in the Latin West and in the Byzantine East

Alexei Lidov. Spatial Icons. The Miraculous Performance with the Hodegetria of Constantinople

Michele Bacci. A Sacred Space for a Holy Icon: the Shrine of Our Lady of Saydnaya

Annemarie Weyl Carr. Taking Place: The Shrine of the Virgin Veiled by God in Kalopanagiotis, Cyprus

Natalia Teteriatnikov. The Relic of the True Cross  and Jerusalem Loca Sancta: the Case of the Making of Sacred Spaces in the St. Neophytos’ Encleistra, Paphos

Elka Bakalova, Anna Lazarova. The Relics of St Spyridon and the Making of Sacred Space on Corfu: between Constantinople and Venice

Mikhail Boutyrsky.  The Seals of the Great Church. The image of the Sacred Space in the Byzantine Sphragistic iconography    (Rus/Eng)

Vladimir Petrukhin. Hierotopy of the Russian Land and the Primary Chronicle (Rus/Eng)

Alexander Mousin. Ecclesiastical Districts of Medieval Russian Cities: from the Social Topography to the Hierotopy  (Rus/Eng)

Milena Rozhdestvenskaya.  The Creation of Sacred Space in Medieval Russian Literature: apocrypha and chronicles  (Rus/Eng)

Boris Uspensky. The Movement Following the Sun’ and the Structure of the Sacred Space in Moscovy  (Rus/Eng)

Vladimir V. Sedov.  The Sacred Space of the Medieval Russian Church: the Architectural Aspect      (Rus/Eng)

Tatiana Samoilova. The Sacred Space of the Princely Tomb in Medieval Russia  (Rus/Eng)

Irina Sterligova. Icon as a Temple. The Space of a Venerated icon in Byzantium and Medieval Russia  (Rus/Eng)

Lilia Evseeva. Proskynesis icons and Liturgical clothes in the setting of Sacred Space  (Rus/Eng)

Galina Sidorenko. ‘Sacred within Sacred’: on the Spatial Structure of Old Russian Devotional Crosses  (Rus/Eng)

Svetlana Gnutova, Xenia Schedrina. The Holy Cross Monastery, the Kyi Cross and the Transfiguration  of the Sacred Space in the Age of Patriarch Nikon (Rus/Eng)

Svetlana Yavorskaya. “Shumayev’s Cross” and the Calvary of the Czar Alexei Mikhailovich (Rus/Eng)

Alexander G. Mel’nik. Iona the Metropolitan of Rostov as a Creator of Sacred Spaces (Rus/Eng)

Table of Contents


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